Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Essay on Clean India Green India

 Essay on Clean India Green India 

Clean India Green India is a campaign created by the Ministry of Urban Development to spread awareness about keeping our country clean. It helps us understand what we can do to keep our environment clean and how we can help other people in doing the same. In this essay, I will talk about some of the effects that garbage has on our lives as well as why it is important for everyone to come together and make sure that everyone's life is more pleasant when they live in an unclean place like India!
Clean India Green India

We are living in the midst of a garbage heap 

Do you know what's the problem? Garbage. There isn't enough room in the world for it all, so we're all constantly having to find new places for our garbage. And it's everywhere—and it keeps getting worse and worse! 
It's time for us all to clean up our mess. We need to make sure that the water supply doesn't get contaminated by garbage somehow. otherwise, we'll end up with millions of people dying from diseases like cholera or typhoid fever because there wasn't enough clean drinking water available at hospitals around the country during these times when there were major outbreaks due in part because people were drinking unclean water containing bacteria from rotting food scraps floating around in rivers and streams near where they lived (and yes this was happening across India).

The streets are covered with filth, and there are heaps of garbage lying here and there

The streets are covered with filth, and there are heaps of garbage lying here and there. In fact, even the most remote villages have witnessed a rise in pollution levels over the past few years. 
In urban areas like Delhi–the capital city of India–garbage is not only a problem; it makes people sick! It has become so bad that even government officials refuse to visit these places for fear of contracting diseases from their home environment. 
In rural areas such as Uttar Pradesh and Bihar where people depend on agriculture as their main source of income (and livelihoods), this problem can lead to serious consequences such as malnutrition among children due to lack of food or poor health care services provided by hospitals or clinics located close by these homes whose residents may not be able to afford treatment if they fall ill while working outside their homes during certain seasons when work opportunities are scarce due mainly because farmers need cash crops like rice plants grown specifically because they produce high yields per acre planted at reasonable prices rather than soybeans are grown primarily because farmers need cash crops like rice plants grown specifically because they produce high yields per acre planted at reasonable prices rather than soybeans.

Many diseases spread through air and water

You may have heard about air pollution and water pollution, but do you know the reasons behind them? In this essay, I will explain to you why these two factors contribute to disease spread. 
Air pollution is caused by a variety of factors—from burning fossil fuels and industrial waste to vehicle exhausts and agricultural operations like crop spraying. Air pollution can also result from natural sources such as forest fires or volcanic eruptions. 
Water pollution occurs when humans dump sewage into rivers or streams which then flow away into oceans where they pollute them with microorganisms (such as bacteria), viruses and other harmful substances that can cause diseases such as cholera or typhoid fever if consumed by humans who come in contact with contaminated water sources.

The summer heat is unbearable due to this unclean atmosphere

You may not realize it, but the summer heat is unbearable due to this unclean atmosphere. 
Air pollution is a major problem in summer. Air pollution can cause respiratory diseases like asthma, lung cancer and heart disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over 3 million people died from air pollution in 2015 alone! This number is expected to increase by 2030 as more people move into urban areas which are more exposed to dirty air than rural areas. 
The main cause of air pollution comes from burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas which release harmful gases into our atmosphere including carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter small enough to be breathed in through your nose or throat when inhaled by someone nearby who has been exposed long enough before getting sick later on down the road when they start feeling bad symptoms like coughing up mucus every morning before work starts up again after lunch."

There is a need for a mass movement to clean up the country

We can build a clean India by making a start with our surrounding area first. First, we should keep our surroundings clean. Littering on the streets is not just a nuisance but also has an impact on health and the environment. It’s important to understand that people from all over the country will come together to make India clean again as they know what it means to be clean! 
Second, we need more awareness about how littering affects others around us and also ourselves in future generations if we don’t take care of our environment now!

Everybody should come forward to help keep the city clean

Everybody should come forward to help keep the city clean. 
Everyone can do their part and make a difference, small or big. It’s time we all contribute our bit to the cause of clean India and make our world a better place for everyone! We have all been given this opportunity and we should not waste it by leaving any rubbish lying around on the streets or in our own homes.

Children should be taught about the importance of sanitation

  • Children should be taught about the importance of sanitation. 
  • They should be taught to keep their surroundings clean. 
  • Children should also be taught to keep their homes and schools clean, especially those places where they spend most of their time. 
  • Finally, it is important that children learn how to maintain proper hygiene in city areas because this will help them grow up healthy and strong so that they can live longer lives than their parents or grandparents did before them!

We can make our city clean if we all come forward and take an oath to keep it clean

Clean India is a mass movement that needs to be initiated by all. If we all come forward and take an oath to keep our city clean, the country will become cleaner as well. Cleanliness must be taught at an early stage of life so that children understand the importance of cleanliness in their everyday lives. The government should also provide incentives for people who are willing to do something about this issue and help them with financial help when they do so. 
Cleanliness is next to godliness! It’s a habit which needs to be inculcated in children from a very early age because they grow up seeing how people treat others around them including themselves with utmost respect & courtesy regardless of their wealth status or social status etc…

We can build a clean India by making a start with our surrounding area first

Cleanliness is a virtue, and it is next to godliness. Cleanliness is next to health, beauty and happiness. It also leads to peace in our lives. 
We can build a clean India by making a start with our surrounding area first. We should all be aware that we need to take care of our surroundings so that we can live healthy lives and enjoy them as well!


I think that if everybody comes and takes the oath, we will be able to clean up our city. I have been thinking about this problem for a long time and I believe now is the right time to start working on it.

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