Sunday, October 30, 2022

Essay on Corruption Free India

 Essay on Corruption-Free India

Corruption is a serious problem in India. It has affected the country's development and economy, resulting in a loss of billions of rupees yearly. In this essay, I will discuss the causes of corruption, its effects of it and solutions to eradicate it from our society so that we can live in an honest and transparent world where everyone is accountable for his/her actions.
Corruption is not just an issue of politics and power. Corruption has a real impact on everyday life. The people who are affected by this corruption are not just poor farmers or labourers—they're also your friends, family members and coworkers. Corruption is a problem that can be solved if we work together as one community to make our country better for everyone!
Essay on Corruption free India

Cause of the Corruption in India

Corruption is a result of the lack of transparency, accountability and meritocracy. 
The government should be more transparent in its dealings with citizens. It must also ensure that there is accountability and that money is not used for personal gain but rather for the public good. The system should encourage meritocracy by rewarding those who work hard and are intelligent enough to get ahead in life through their skill sets or talents rather than family connections or wealth inherited from previous generations; this would help reduce corruption because people will only work if they believe their efforts will be rewarded fairly with promotions or pay raises instead of being treated unfairly due to nepotism or favouritism on the part of superiors who may have ties with politicians who can easily influence decisions made by government officials (corruption).

Effects of the Corruption

Corruption is a social evil that affects all sections of society. It is a crime and sin, moral evil and menace destroying our nation's integrity. Corruption has affected all aspects of life, from politics to economy and religion, and it has become an integral part of our life now. 
Corruption has brought about many adverse effects on our country: 
  1. Increase in poverty levels
  2. Unemployment rate (especially among school dropouts)
  3. Increased inflation rate
  4. A decline in foreign investment (banks not lending money)
  5. Decreased tax collection due to illegalities committed by officials/public servants etc.

Solution of Corruption

To eradicate corruption in India, there is a need to bring honesty, transparency and accountability in every field. The government should take steps to make the country corruption free. 
Corruption is a major problem in India. It has become a common phenomenon in the country. There are various reasons behind the prevalence of corruption in India. The biggest reason is that people don’t care about others’ rights and try to fulfil their personal motives at any cost.
The importance of honesty, transparency and accountability is not only limited to the government but also in every field. To bring these values into society, it needs to be spread among high-level people like politicians and bureaucrats. It should be implemented in all fields such as education, business or media so that everyone follows these values in their daily life.


Corruption is a very big problem in India. Since most people are illiterate and don't have enough knowledge to fight against corruption, it is important that we educate them so that they can become strong enough to fight against corruption

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